Privacy Notice for SOOLE (Surveying Opinion On Local Energy)

This notice is not for the survey. This notice only applies to any personal information you supply (e.g., your name and email address given in order to receive updates on the project). You will not be asked for personal information that identifies you in the survey itself.

This Privacy Notice provides information on how Oxford Brookes University (Oxford Brookes) collects and uses personal information when you register an interest in the SOOLE project and give contact details.

Oxford Brookes is the Data Controller of any data that you supply for this research. This means that we are responsible for looking after your information and using it lawfully. We will make the decisions on how your data is used and for what reasons and this notice lets you know about what will happen to any information you kindly provide.

Why do we need your data?

We need your data as long as you would like us to keep you informed about the progress and results of the SOOLE research project, or volunteering opportunities related to the project.

Oxford Brookes’ legal basis for collecting this data is:

Public task: your Personal Data will be used in connection with academic research. Oxford Brookes University is a public body and staff and students carry out research in line with the University’s legal powers and constitution.

Oxford Brookes University’s legal basis for processing your Personal Data (or information) is as set out in Art 6 UK GDPR.

What types of personal data will Oxford Brookes University use?

your completed Interest Registration online form

your name, email address and phone number to contact you

details of land ownership, in the event you are interested in hosting one or more wind turbines

your postcode/area in which you live to contact you, if you have expressed an interest in getting involved in the project in your local area

Who will Oxford Brookes share your data with?

Oxford Brookes will not share your data with any other parties, except for in the unlikely event of an authority legally compelling us to do so.

Will Oxford Brookes transfer my data outside of the UK?

Your Interest Registration form will be stored in Google Drive. Google may store information outside the UK. You can look at the Google Privacy Notice for more information.

What rights do I have regarding my data that Oxford Brookes holds?

§ You have the right to be informed about what data will be collected and how this will be used

§ You have the right of access to your data

§ You have the right to correct data if it is wrong

§ You have the right to ask for your data to be deleted

§ You have the right to restrict use of the data we hold about you

§ You have the right to data portability

§ You have the right to object to Oxford Brookes using your data

§ You have rights in relation to using your data in automated decision making and profiling.

Your rights will depend on the legal ground used to process your data.

Where did Oxford Brookes source my data from?

You; via the Interest Registration form that you completed providing your contact details. This form is implemented using a Google service, and we process your data using further Google services, so Google’s privacy notice is also relevant.

Are there any consequences of not providing the requested data?

No, although you cannot be updated about the project directly if we do not have contact details.

Will there be any automated decision making using my data?


How long will Oxford Brookes keep your data?

Your contact details will be kept for as long as the project is ongoing.

Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns?

You can contact Dr Ben Kenward if you have any questions about the Project, the research or the information held about you ( Please contact the Chair of the University Research Ethics Committee at if you have any concerns about the way in which the study has been conducted. For further details about information use contact the Information Security Management team on or the Data Protection Officer at You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office via their website if you have any concerns about how the University is using information about you.